Amicale 750ml
Arthur Cantina Wine & Liquor
Usually ready in 1 hour
2380 Arthur Avenue
Bronx NY 10458-8117
United States
*Vintages & batches may differ from images shown*
Amicone is obtained thanks to a unique blend of selected grapes cultivated in the Veneto region. This blend is made with grapes such as Corvina, Rondinella e Molinara which are the typical varieties cultivated in this region.
Some grapes undergo the particular process of overripe in the vineyards instead and the fermentation in stainless steel tanks follows.
Only authorized red grapes from Veneto are used and a part of them goes into a slow maturation process in tonneau.
This is the secret for obtaining this vinous, soft and well balanced product with hints of spices and chocolate. Before bottling, the blend remains in stainless steel tank for a certain period of time.
Amicale 750ml